Fees and Payments
IMPORTANT! Read the information below before registering your attendance to wavcamp 2025.
- Camp Fee: From 1600 NOK
- Aerotow: 80 NOK (per 100 meters)
- **Start fee: 200 NOK
- ** Due to costs related to preparing the ice we have decided to charge a start/take-off fee for self-launch and visiting airplanes. This start fee does not apply to gliders using aerotow or the operational tug-planes.
Camp Fee
- Camp fee for Vågå Wavecamp 2025 is NOK 1,600 for all participants and must be paid by the end of January 2025.
- If you register late after the 1th February 2025, the Camp Fee will be charged NOK 2100 and must be paid within one week.
- Registration after the Camp starts on 9th March 2025 will be charged a Camp Fee of NOK 3000 and must be paid before attendance.
Cancellation policy
- If Drammen Flyklubb has to cancel Vågå Wavecamp, for whatever reason, the Camp Fee will be refunded in full.
- If you cancel your registration by the end of January, the Camp Fee will be refunded in full.
- If you cancel your registration in the period February 1th – March 1th, 50% of the Camp Fee will be refunded.
- If you cancel your registration after 1th March, the Camp Fee will not be refunded.
You can now pay with Vipps: #18122 (Drammen Flyklubb) or using the following bank information with Campfee 2025 in the message field.
Bank information
- Account name: Drammen flyklubb
- Account address: Pb. 1528, NO-3007 DRAMMEN, NORWAY
- IBAN : NO04 1638 0874 095
- (Account : 1638 08 74095)
- Bank: DnB NOR
- Bank address: Stranden 21, NO-0021 OSLO, NORWAY
If you have any questions about payments, please contact our cashier directly. See menu item CONTACT